As usual its been ages since my last journal entry
erm Dear journal,
Last weekend i actually did something vaguely interesting. I went out for a meal with two friends to plan a hike in the lake district a week on friday. I pointed out that their planned route was a piece of crap because it had some how managed to miss the many mountains and each days walk (according to the scale) was only six miles which we could do in a couple of hours easy
(Yes were poor and im planning on spending my money at reading instead
Though we then went back to mine and messed about til my best friend tom came. We then rowed to the pub (i live opposite a canal) and got pissed. The rowing wasnt so hot on the way back.. partly because of the alcohol and inevitable snaking along the canal (which happened on the way to the pub anyway) but the friend that had to walk was throwing logs at us til we let him in too. Never had 50 stone of human in the boat before but the boat only sank a little bit.
Later though we went to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which was pretty cool. I thought the umpa lumps would be crap but they were pretty good in the end. Plus the ending was better than the original film. And no i havent bothered to read the actual book
Passed that crappy test i mumbled about the other day which is nice.. but more importantly ive got 4 tickets to see the White Stripes on November the 9th at the london alexandra palace. Though one tickets going spare (might sell it on ebay for a quick profit). Ill feel extra safe in the knowledge that lock will be patrolling nearby outside (unless hes just sleeping).

erm Dear journal,
Last weekend i actually did something vaguely interesting. I went out for a meal with two friends to plan a hike in the lake district a week on friday. I pointed out that their planned route was a piece of crap because it had some how managed to miss the many mountains and each days walk (according to the scale) was only six miles which we could do in a couple of hours easy

Though we then went back to mine and messed about til my best friend tom came. We then rowed to the pub (i live opposite a canal) and got pissed. The rowing wasnt so hot on the way back.. partly because of the alcohol and inevitable snaking along the canal (which happened on the way to the pub anyway) but the friend that had to walk was throwing logs at us til we let him in too. Never had 50 stone of human in the boat before but the boat only sank a little bit.
Later though we went to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which was pretty cool. I thought the umpa lumps would be crap but they were pretty good in the end. Plus the ending was better than the original film. And no i havent bothered to read the actual book

Passed that crappy test i mumbled about the other day which is nice.. but more importantly ive got 4 tickets to see the White Stripes on November the 9th at the london alexandra palace. Though one tickets going spare (might sell it on ebay for a quick profit). Ill feel extra safe in the knowledge that lock will be patrolling nearby outside (unless hes just sleeping).

No seriously the offer of a floor is open, and for your infomation Mr current affairs my flatmate and I have an excellent arrangement!
You went to the pub in a row boat?! Are you sure you're not thinking of a section of Willy Wonka there? It sounds like something from that movie :S
And lock, dont be so nasty! Bully! You're just jealous coz glossy found out your terrible secret... that your the person that makes all the Weetos
[Edited on Aug 04, 2005 3:17PM]