Gah im now officially old and ready for the skip.
Last weekend was nothing short of great
Went to a club with my flat mates and friends from university. Before hand we downed all sorts of crap and some guy who was a friend of a friend of a friend downed half a bottled of absinthe. (probably about 300ml or so.. (80% alcohol with metal shavings designed to cut the back of your throat slightly and let the alcohol in - illegal here i think.. err thankyou greeks!) i had a couple of shots but this guy is nothing short of insane. When we got there he spewed all over the place and had to take him outside where he.. spewed all over the place a bit more. Had to wait for his parents to come pick him up (hes 25!). Anyway so we go back in and listen to cheese and dance etc.
Went to a gay bar with friends. It was a grizzly bear night so there were loads of big hairy old guys rubbing each other. Only had one pint to drink though cos my kidneys were killing me from the day before. One person again spewed up all over the place. She was sitting up normally then all of a suddent her eyes rolled back and she fell side ways into the table :/
Sister came to visit me on my birthday and took me out to buy me a sexy new jacket. it was the first one i saw in the first shop i went into
which was kinda lucky.. Then went bowling and sucked
After that i went back to the flat where my flatmates had put up banners, balloons, hats... they even made jelly and those cheese and pineapple things on sticks. Watched the punisher on dvd, got drunk, then watched the stars on the beach
slightly worried about my kidneys though...
Last weekend was nothing short of great

Went to a club with my flat mates and friends from university. Before hand we downed all sorts of crap and some guy who was a friend of a friend of a friend downed half a bottled of absinthe. (probably about 300ml or so.. (80% alcohol with metal shavings designed to cut the back of your throat slightly and let the alcohol in - illegal here i think.. err thankyou greeks!) i had a couple of shots but this guy is nothing short of insane. When we got there he spewed all over the place and had to take him outside where he.. spewed all over the place a bit more. Had to wait for his parents to come pick him up (hes 25!). Anyway so we go back in and listen to cheese and dance etc.
Went to a gay bar with friends. It was a grizzly bear night so there were loads of big hairy old guys rubbing each other. Only had one pint to drink though cos my kidneys were killing me from the day before. One person again spewed up all over the place. She was sitting up normally then all of a suddent her eyes rolled back and she fell side ways into the table :/
Sister came to visit me on my birthday and took me out to buy me a sexy new jacket. it was the first one i saw in the first shop i went into

slightly worried about my kidneys though...
Never head of Absinthe with metal shavings in and i have had a lot of absinthe in my time, hmmm intrigued now......
And as for the festivals I am giving your offer very serious thought, damn my bank balance!
btw how are ya?