I just finished taking IA Refresher Training. It's this neat little internet presentation the Army decided I needed to do to keep from getting kicked off NIPRNet, just one of a multitude of such time wasters championed by the Army. I took the answer sheet and got all the answers right; I didn't even read them. I used to not do that. I used to...
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The Army decided to ruin my New Year, but that's alright.

Fuck you Army, fuck you mad
The army ruins a lot of things. I assume it was ruined because you got called for duty?
Explosions make everything better. Drag you didn't get to go out and party it up the way you wanted though. Kosovo would be a kick under peaceful circumstances. I know some people in my area who came over with refugee status and they're good shit.
The UN is a horrible origination. We went to see them to discuss MSD and their recent rally in Приштина / Pritina and they had never head of MSD. WTF!?! But they were aware of the rally. At least they know something. I had 3 hour "working" lunch with the minority rights committee, I don't know how much work was done. Then I went to...
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