Okay some new stuff and keeping with the themes of the second book "Beauty and the Beast" I have a soft poem then some good old fashioned sniper poetry
still looking for a cute girl with cool glasses to make out with in my loft for a few hours - anyone know anyone ?
Do not abandon ship
All is well
To be found
You must be lost
I see the life raft you cling to
The Ocean, like life is vast
Still you do not give up hope
You are to strong not to survive
I see your pain
I notice it when you speak
Our pain is different
Yet we are the same
People pass without noticing
Hiding in work, it is the best disguise
Not wanting to be found
Yet you were recognized on seas horizon
I wonder if the world sees what I do
Perhaps it takes a blind eye to truly see
Beauty such as yours
Inside and out
Do not be afraid of the darkness
It is merely the absence of light
Blind as we are
It is always night time
From the depths of the Ocean
I linger beneath the murky water in the frigid blackness
The only warmth is the moonlight and your smile
I admirer you from my Periscope
I push them forward across the frozen tundra
The pace is staggering
Faster and faster
It is not humane, nor human
I pray they have enough to finish
The trail is endless - dark and dangerous
Could I stand to lose one more
Worse yet, to have to put another one down
I think I can see the end of the world
I know it is near
Grizzly & wolves they are not afraid of
They would rather die, than disappoint me
Sometimes their feet get packed with ice
It hurts just to look at them
The right amount of tenderness and terror
Will keep them going for another day
When they rest , it is my time to really work
Moving around, checking equipment
Assuring we are on course
Reminding and encouraging them; against all odds
We carry little supplies to keep our load featherlike
They do not realize, we do not have enough
Supplies to all make it back
They think they are all coming back
Light and fast
We do not have time for luxuries - like sleep
The weather is closing quickly
We must push through this good white night
It will cover our tracks nicely
Nothing could be tracking us, except perhaps a beast
Still the fresh snow will reassure me a bit
In a calculated race such as this I hate surprises
How many times have they come through for me
Still I must go to the whip to keep them in-line
They know I care for them even when I try to forget
They are after all mans best friend
Happy Birthday! All the best.

Happy Birthday!