very new rough draft - for those of you who like the sniper poetry
Each night we go to bed
Holding each other so tight
Remembering all the long cold nights
And days in the tropical sun
I know it has been over
Between us for more than a decade
Still your sweet touch
Comforts me like no other
Knowing your are with me
Allows me to relax if only a little
I never really sleep
However with you I am most relaxed
I think of all of our trips and adventures
The life time of memories we share
I could not bear to let you go
Even when I share my bed with another
My thoughts are with you as I lay silent
Wishing you were there with me
Projecting me and reassuring me all is well
When we both know it is not
You have never let me down
Nor failed me when I needed you most
Never have I been as faithful to anyone but you
As my model 1911A Colt 45 pistol
why the friend request?

Hey, there.