Okay - life is pretty good and I am back to writing daily, the book got finished and then I had to catch up with friends and work. Party alot and know I am back to writing just about everyday again, working on second book to follow up "war Cries" any idea's for a name ?
with that I return you to the dark sniper poetry
here is a draft from last night
Memories were meant to fade
Most of mine were burned
When it was a 120 degrees in the shade
So much for the dry desert heat
My burn was so bad
It scared my insides and outside alike
It has never healed right
But how could it
In my youth I declined Sunblock
Taunting the sun
I yearned for a bronze body
A golden God I wanted to be
Like most bad burns
You do not feel it when its happening at first
By the time you realize your flesh is on fire
Its to late drying my soul
My sunburn - It hurts to be touched
Fever and chills fill my sleepless hours
I sweat and it burns
Even breathing causes pain
Like Moses, wandering and lost
Searching for a better place
I walk still search near forty
Knowing the golden calf can not save me
just stoped to say hi
Oh that is bringing up memories of my bad burns.