more dark stuff
Doc Holiday
Like a Dentist
Whose only tools are pliers and a hammer
I remove decaying teeth
And Health ones alike
I do not give fillings
Nor Caps
I may give you a root canal
But only for sport
Sometime I must extract a health tooth
If next to one with a problem
Lest it get infected or cause others to
You can never be too safe, when it comes to hygiene
Should you get a tooth ache
You will seek me out
Begging me for my swiftness
I often finish other dentist work
However, I prefer working on my own patients
I try not to remove
Baby teeth or dentures
As much as possible
Sometimes they will get in the way
By the time you come to see me
Or I find you
Most of your teeth are rotting
You will starve without incisors
Im really doing you a favor
You will never have to pay my bill
When I am done
I will be the only one smiling
Wishing you a good week Newark.
i get my wisdom teeth pulled on friday