very rough draft poem for my 5th book of poems
thanks for all the love
Schools out
I am a predators predator
And you now know it
The look on your face shows it
Like finding a great white shark in a bathtub
You have never seen me
Only heard the rumors
Of my existence
From men, who never knew a man of my likes?
Yet you sense I am close
Something is wrong
Maybe they have trained you well
Trusting what you feel
Knowing your instincts are right
You get up slowly
To check on your sentries
Alarmed when you can not find them
For nearly a week
I followed you
Watching your
Every move
Learning how
You react
You are to disciplined
Everything is by the book
Now I thirst for you to find me
To see what
Knowledge you have
Been instilled
Your comrades, had little
And they paid with their life
I think you learned
From reading, not doing
Nor the carrot and the stick
With no real
World experience
You creep
Through the forest
Silently, fluidly as if you
Were ready for anything
Now play time
Is over
School is out
And its three oclock
You still can not
Sense my closeness
From behind a tree
I grab you
Slitting your throat
Left to right
Gently as if I was
Playing the violin
Then filling
Half a canteen cup
With your blood
Gulping it down
While your
Heart still beats
Its warm, sweet and slightly salty
You will live inside me
I think
If a tree falls in a Forest
With nobody around
Does it make a sound?
Thanks for the comment. I will have a great trip. Have you really published all those books of poems? I hope to get some books out someday. Have you read any of Yusef Komunyakaa's poetry? He writes a lot about the vietnam war.
wow... thats wonderful.