15 years ago tonight 15 kilometers north of the lazy S of the Saudi / Iraqi border
a man bravery I knew not, saved my life at the cost of his own - each breath I have taken since then I can trace back to that night.
So if you could lift a glass for him tonight
you may have read this draft before from my next book
We may rise
A glass together
Toasting to the
Recklessness of our youth
The bourbon helps
Make it all so clear
As I have not seen
You in years
I drink yours and mine
When we get together - the third day of each year
Daily your memory haunts me
Motivating me through guilt
Why did you
Do it
Why would you choice
Your own life over mine
I thought
You were my friend
How could you leave
That pressure on me
Each day I work and toil
Every breath a miracle
Not wanting to disrespect
The gift you gave me
I like to think
Had things been reversed
I would have done
The same for you
If you would have let me
Now tell me - how
Do I have the courage
after all these years
To tell your son and wife
You picked me over them
OMG. I will certainly lift a glass to that. That's so sad n' so beautiful.