I've got this bumper application form to fill in tonight, so I thought I'd indulge in some Dave Gorman style aversion therapy.
I headed off to PC World to have a look around, as I'm struggling to get hold of the neccessary elastic bands and valves to fix my 'puter up so it's nice and fast. I was going to build my own, to spread the cost, but also to prove to myself I'm still able to build up a PC (last time I built one it was full of new fangled technology like a Pentium processor, DIMMs and Windows 95 - no, this aint what I'm using now, I bought this one). So whilst perusing fancy new laptops for silly money and crappy desktops for as-good-as silly money, I chanced upon a 20" G5 iMac. Shit, I wish I hadn't, they're even more convincing in the flesh than they are in magazines. But isn't 1350 too much to be spending on something I have zero software for, and wouldn't even know how to fix if it broke? Maybe an eMac would be better at 500. No, dammit, I want that big fucker!
Ok, carrot time - get the job, you can have an iMac. With loads of overpriced options. (1,598 with all the ones I want on! - anyone want to buy a mother?) Ooh, I can get it for 43 a month, that's cool. And 14.3% is soooo reasonable, I don't think!)
Anyway, that form...
I headed off to PC World to have a look around, as I'm struggling to get hold of the neccessary elastic bands and valves to fix my 'puter up so it's nice and fast. I was going to build my own, to spread the cost, but also to prove to myself I'm still able to build up a PC (last time I built one it was full of new fangled technology like a Pentium processor, DIMMs and Windows 95 - no, this aint what I'm using now, I bought this one). So whilst perusing fancy new laptops for silly money and crappy desktops for as-good-as silly money, I chanced upon a 20" G5 iMac. Shit, I wish I hadn't, they're even more convincing in the flesh than they are in magazines. But isn't 1350 too much to be spending on something I have zero software for, and wouldn't even know how to fix if it broke? Maybe an eMac would be better at 500. No, dammit, I want that big fucker!
Ok, carrot time - get the job, you can have an iMac. With loads of overpriced options. (1,598 with all the ones I want on! - anyone want to buy a mother?) Ooh, I can get it for 43 a month, that's cool. And 14.3% is soooo reasonable, I don't think!)
Anyway, that form...
Yeah well maybe at the next regional Pylon Lovers meet up, if its not too much trouble of course

Yeah either or I aint fussy