Arggh, see, completely had to write off Sunday. i feel like shit. no pylons could ever cheer me up today.
the only thing that cheered me up today is a quote from "The Nation's Favourite" by Simon Garfield, which I read years ago and found in an old bag..
John Peel: I was driving back from a particularly exhilirating performance in New Orleans, having left my friends down there, and I was crossing what they call the Piney Woods of East Texas, which cover an area the size of Belgium, as all big woods invariably do.
That man ruled! I think I'm going to listen to some Cocteau Twins!
the only thing that cheered me up today is a quote from "The Nation's Favourite" by Simon Garfield, which I read years ago and found in an old bag..
John Peel: I was driving back from a particularly exhilirating performance in New Orleans, having left my friends down there, and I was crossing what they call the Piney Woods of East Texas, which cover an area the size of Belgium, as all big woods invariably do.
That man ruled! I think I'm going to listen to some Cocteau Twins!
hey...i loved your comment. sweet.

hey...i loved your comment. sweet.