The new premiere of BLACK DAYS went very well. Mikes new editing, cuts, and effects were great. We also got to see a music video of the movie, with a song written for it by a local Chicago musician. Also, Mike, after the movie, publicly thanked Nick (my younger brother) and I for our hard work on the movie (on and off screen). He even went as far to say that the movie wouldnt have happened. It was nice of him. While I cant help but agree that we worked hard on that very sleepless winter break, those are the kinds of favors that can be overlooked and the appreciation was much appreciated.
The best part about wearing a suit is wearing a batman shirt underneath, so that, when you finally have to leave, you can suddenly turn to the friends and/or strangers around you and say I must shed my everyday disguise! then rip open your shirt, revealing the emblem, and dash out of the bar.
Monday I get to be paid to sit in Wrigley Stadium
And because I might got to a poetry reading tomorrow, Ill include one of mine. It started out as a gag to be read to some English faculty at a writers forum meeting when I was an undergradand then grew. I like reading this one at public readingsespecially when there are particularly dignified English faculty types aboutbecause I get to the crudest line in the piece, and you can see there worried expressions (at first) but then you can see the realization on their faces, that the lewd line is actually a literary allusion and they suddenly feel that its alright to laugh at it.
Basically, its a reworking of The Raven, telling a more contemporary story. Soif you enjoy Edgar Allan Poe, or youve had a tuff night at the dance club, you might find something to like
Joshua Alan Doetsch
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a female at a local bars dance floor.
While I stood there nearly drooling, I said to myself, Who am I fooling?
As if any of these women would show me anything but the door.
As if they wouldnt treat me like the rotting corpse of a bloated boar.
Still, I really wanted to score!
My heart was about to hemorrhage, my courage needed some leverage;
And so each alcoholic beverage gave me the guts to get on the dance floor.
Eagerly I spent my money; vainly I sought a honey.
I tried to be suave and funny, yet the women thought me a bore.
Except for this one chick named Lenore.
A rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore.
Safe in my little black book, forever more.
And the silken, sexy rustling, of her less than skimpy clothing,
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic fantasies, many of which Ive dreamt before.
So that now to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating,
Im good enough for this girl, good enough and more;
To have a romantic rendezvous with this chick named Lenore.
Who shakes my libidos core.
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer.
Babe, said I, or madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
For you, a drink Ill be buying, Id really be sort of lying,
If I said I was not trying, to get to know you a little more.
So what will my dear be having? - here I opened the wallet that I wore.
Darkness there, and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams that Id be unsuccessful in my dare to score.
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, Lenore?
This I whispered, and with no answer, looked up and said, Lenore?
Her chair was empty, nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
How could she just leave me, that mean and vicious little [you know].
Surely, said I , surely this has nothing to do with my own pizzazz.
My charm could not have failed me as; I am all that and much more.
Twas my breath and nothing more.
I gave my doubt a dismissal, when with many a flirt and whistle,
In there stepped another lady, even more gorgeous than before;
Not the least obeisance made she; not a moment stopped or stayed she;
But with mien of lord or lady, stood upon the dance floor.
Stood and swayed in a sensual manner, dead center of the dance floor.
Looking at her was not a chore.
Then this beautiful babe beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
With slick smile presented, I sauntered out onto the dance floor.
Smoothly I popped an Altoid, so her nose wouldnt be annoyed,
But here, my nervous mind went void, save pick-up lines we men keep in store.
Honey, said I, I have lost my phone number, can I have . . . yours?
Quoth the lady, Nevermore.
Startled at my courage broken by rejection so aptly spoken,
Doubtless, said I, what she utters is her only stock and store,
From a relationship with some miserable bastard, who unmerciful disaster,
Followed fast and followed faster, till the boycott of all men she swore.
For the dregs of masculinity, she would have no more.
This it is and nothing more.
But a new girl was beguiling my sad fancy into smiling.
I was pretty sure she was over eighteen, but not much more.
I said to this girl with a perm, Want to see my Conqueror Worm?
It must be duly noted, to a woman, such lines spoken, are akin to declaring war.
With that the girl slapped me, and her sharp ring, my cheek did tore.
Quoth the girl, Nevermore!
At the bar I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing.
To the girl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosoms core;
With my last dollar in reach, I bought a sex on the beach.
For on this cursed night, the closest thing Id get to a score,
Was the name of this concoctions clever metaphor.
So I drank, and drank some more.
Bartender! said I, please help me, with your kind, caring empathy.
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore,
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sexy maiden, like that one chick, Lenore.
Will I find such a sultry maiden, will I, will I ever score?
Quoth the bartender, Nevermore.
And here I am, never flitting, still am sitting, still am sitting,
On the puke encrusted stool, that is bolted to bar room floor;
And my eyes have all the seeming, of a drunkard that is dreaming,
And my stomachs insides teeming, has thrown my lunch on the floor.
And my ass from on that bar stool, that lies bolted to the floor,
Shall be lifted - nevermore!
The best part about wearing a suit is wearing a batman shirt underneath, so that, when you finally have to leave, you can suddenly turn to the friends and/or strangers around you and say I must shed my everyday disguise! then rip open your shirt, revealing the emblem, and dash out of the bar.

Monday I get to be paid to sit in Wrigley Stadium

And because I might got to a poetry reading tomorrow, Ill include one of mine. It started out as a gag to be read to some English faculty at a writers forum meeting when I was an undergradand then grew. I like reading this one at public readingsespecially when there are particularly dignified English faculty types aboutbecause I get to the crudest line in the piece, and you can see there worried expressions (at first) but then you can see the realization on their faces, that the lewd line is actually a literary allusion and they suddenly feel that its alright to laugh at it.
Basically, its a reworking of The Raven, telling a more contemporary story. Soif you enjoy Edgar Allan Poe, or youve had a tuff night at the dance club, you might find something to like
Joshua Alan Doetsch
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a female at a local bars dance floor.
While I stood there nearly drooling, I said to myself, Who am I fooling?
As if any of these women would show me anything but the door.
As if they wouldnt treat me like the rotting corpse of a bloated boar.
Still, I really wanted to score!
My heart was about to hemorrhage, my courage needed some leverage;
And so each alcoholic beverage gave me the guts to get on the dance floor.
Eagerly I spent my money; vainly I sought a honey.
I tried to be suave and funny, yet the women thought me a bore.
Except for this one chick named Lenore.
A rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore.
Safe in my little black book, forever more.
And the silken, sexy rustling, of her less than skimpy clothing,
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic fantasies, many of which Ive dreamt before.
So that now to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating,
Im good enough for this girl, good enough and more;
To have a romantic rendezvous with this chick named Lenore.
Who shakes my libidos core.
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer.
Babe, said I, or madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
For you, a drink Ill be buying, Id really be sort of lying,
If I said I was not trying, to get to know you a little more.
So what will my dear be having? - here I opened the wallet that I wore.
Darkness there, and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams that Id be unsuccessful in my dare to score.
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, Lenore?
This I whispered, and with no answer, looked up and said, Lenore?
Her chair was empty, nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
How could she just leave me, that mean and vicious little [you know].
Surely, said I , surely this has nothing to do with my own pizzazz.
My charm could not have failed me as; I am all that and much more.
Twas my breath and nothing more.
I gave my doubt a dismissal, when with many a flirt and whistle,
In there stepped another lady, even more gorgeous than before;
Not the least obeisance made she; not a moment stopped or stayed she;
But with mien of lord or lady, stood upon the dance floor.
Stood and swayed in a sensual manner, dead center of the dance floor.
Looking at her was not a chore.
Then this beautiful babe beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
With slick smile presented, I sauntered out onto the dance floor.
Smoothly I popped an Altoid, so her nose wouldnt be annoyed,
But here, my nervous mind went void, save pick-up lines we men keep in store.
Honey, said I, I have lost my phone number, can I have . . . yours?
Quoth the lady, Nevermore.
Startled at my courage broken by rejection so aptly spoken,
Doubtless, said I, what she utters is her only stock and store,
From a relationship with some miserable bastard, who unmerciful disaster,
Followed fast and followed faster, till the boycott of all men she swore.
For the dregs of masculinity, she would have no more.
This it is and nothing more.
But a new girl was beguiling my sad fancy into smiling.
I was pretty sure she was over eighteen, but not much more.
I said to this girl with a perm, Want to see my Conqueror Worm?
It must be duly noted, to a woman, such lines spoken, are akin to declaring war.
With that the girl slapped me, and her sharp ring, my cheek did tore.
Quoth the girl, Nevermore!
At the bar I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing.
To the girl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosoms core;
With my last dollar in reach, I bought a sex on the beach.
For on this cursed night, the closest thing Id get to a score,
Was the name of this concoctions clever metaphor.
So I drank, and drank some more.
Bartender! said I, please help me, with your kind, caring empathy.
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore,
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sexy maiden, like that one chick, Lenore.
Will I find such a sultry maiden, will I, will I ever score?
Quoth the bartender, Nevermore.
And here I am, never flitting, still am sitting, still am sitting,
On the puke encrusted stool, that is bolted to bar room floor;
And my eyes have all the seeming, of a drunkard that is dreaming,
And my stomachs insides teeming, has thrown my lunch on the floor.
And my ass from on that bar stool, that lies bolted to the floor,
Shall be lifted - nevermore!
Good luck on your Monday assignment (sounds grueling
"And there (he) lulled me asleep
And there I dreamed -- Ah woe betide!
The (hottest) dream I ever dreamed
On the cold hill's side"