Moans and groans and dozens of new positions...what could I be up to???
Ahhhh.not much time for posting. If Im not at Stage Combat PracticeIm practicing after hours, icing and fixing the bodily damage Im sustaininggetting a few laughs/drinks/movies in with the other studentsor sleeping. Heres some random stuff from the week.
-Learning things like aikido roles, falls, punches, kicks, flipping each other over (without hurting each other), learning all sorts of interesting new ways to bend my body, rapier fighting, sword saluting, sword thursts and swings, dozens of blocks/defenses/stances, quarter staff fighting.
-Tonight, after regular practice, we had a visit by one of the instructors friends who gave us a little workshop on film combat.
-The combat students are all cool and weve formed a pretty tight group (were from all sorts of various places in the state and country). Were having crazy, college level funwhen we have spare moments. Over the weekend we did some partying in Bloomington. I kicked some ass at a game of flip cup (but only when I was drunknot so good at it sober). I did some magic tricksbut wowed everyone (and committed a sleight of hand first for myselfand possibly magicians everywhere) when I vanished a strawberry flavored condom in my handsthen produced it from my pants (safe sex and chicanerythats me).
-On Sundayus stage combat folk took Nick and another student (Diago), blindfolded them, and dumped them into Eureka Lake, to celebrate their respective birthdays. That water really smells
-Im in desperate need for a tactile experience (other than flesh smashing into gym mat).
-The teacher says I have a GREAT snap kick (never thought of myself as a kicker).
-My ribs finally seem to be healing.
-Ice is goodAdvil is gooder.
-Rum is goodest.
-I want to be a pirateIve got rum drinking down and am working on the sword fighting and I dont get sea sick. Im just about there.
-Im trying to sneak writing in here and there (havent done any real writing in far too longchimerical demons are birthing in my head and they need some release soon)but its hard to find the time.
-This update was brought to you by the words Chicanery and Chimerical. Look them upgrow

Ahhhh.not much time for posting. If Im not at Stage Combat PracticeIm practicing after hours, icing and fixing the bodily damage Im sustaininggetting a few laughs/drinks/movies in with the other studentsor sleeping. Heres some random stuff from the week.
-Learning things like aikido roles, falls, punches, kicks, flipping each other over (without hurting each other), learning all sorts of interesting new ways to bend my body, rapier fighting, sword saluting, sword thursts and swings, dozens of blocks/defenses/stances, quarter staff fighting.
-Tonight, after regular practice, we had a visit by one of the instructors friends who gave us a little workshop on film combat.
-The combat students are all cool and weve formed a pretty tight group (were from all sorts of various places in the state and country). Were having crazy, college level funwhen we have spare moments. Over the weekend we did some partying in Bloomington. I kicked some ass at a game of flip cup (but only when I was drunknot so good at it sober). I did some magic tricksbut wowed everyone (and committed a sleight of hand first for myselfand possibly magicians everywhere) when I vanished a strawberry flavored condom in my handsthen produced it from my pants (safe sex and chicanerythats me).
-On Sundayus stage combat folk took Nick and another student (Diago), blindfolded them, and dumped them into Eureka Lake, to celebrate their respective birthdays. That water really smells
-Im in desperate need for a tactile experience (other than flesh smashing into gym mat).
-The teacher says I have a GREAT snap kick (never thought of myself as a kicker).
-My ribs finally seem to be healing.
-Ice is goodAdvil is gooder.
-Rum is goodest.
-I want to be a pirateIve got rum drinking down and am working on the sword fighting and I dont get sea sick. Im just about there.
-Im trying to sneak writing in here and there (havent done any real writing in far too longchimerical demons are birthing in my head and they need some release soon)but its hard to find the time.
-This update was brought to you by the words Chicanery and Chimerical. Look them upgrow