Thanks to all for the happy birthday wishes.
Yesterday was a quite sort of birthday as people were either far away from Springfield (where I go to schoolthough Im coming back home to the Chicago burbs in the next week or so) or sickthough I plan on doing a bit of belated celebration (after alldoing something late, is doing it very, very, very early from the right perspective).
Torrie gave me an awesome three foot gummy snake that is roughly the size of Lenore (I even took her out to compare). I talked on the phone with various family and friends.
Genenda (very recent ex) called to wish me a happy birthday. It was a nice call. We talked for a long time (Barnes and Noble had to eventually kick me out). After the copious conversation with my ex, I was hit by a bittersweetand very acute feeling of loneliness. So I drove back to my apartmentswishing the bitter and the sweet around in my mouth. The flavor stayed with me the rest of the night.
Its hard to believe
That Im all alone
At least I have her love
The city she loves me.
-Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Under the Bridge
Wait! Hold up.
SpringfieldI dont think you really love me. In fact, you treat me like crap sometimes. I meanif you really loved me, maybe youd stay awake with me once in a while instead of shutting down so early. Ive done the morning thing all weekbut have you given me any night time lately. NO!
I get up for breakfast, every so oftenbut you hardly ever make me a cup of late night coffee. You never show me a midnight movie. This relationship is all going one way and Im at the stinky end of the river run off.
Youre not very nice to my friendsmaybe if you were theyd come by and visit every once in a while. Thats coolIll go visit thembut then you nag and nag and nag, for me to come back and take care of one job or another.
What am I saying? Wellits over. I want to see other cities.
NoI dont have a plan as such. I think Ill go up north, visit some of my good buddies Wauconda, Napperville, McHenry, and the whole Lake family (Island Lake, Crystal Lake, Lake Zurich, Round Lake) the old gang. I think I just want to be around my friends.
ThenI dont know, I want to maybe try and see other cities. I might go visit ChicagoIve always liked her, weve had on and off flings going on for yearsfriends with benefits. Maybe Ill go on some dates with Peoria. I knowshes a bit skankybut when shes sober enough, she shows me a good time (even if I have to protect myself from all those diseases).
I think Ill hang out with Bloomington and Normal. Theyre a cute married couple and Ive always had fun hanging with them.
SighI guess this is it. Ill be back in the Fall. Hopefully we can keep things from getting too weird. Its time we parted ways SpringfieldI hope we can be friends.
Ahcoping mechanism, thy name is Allegory.
you know... LadyK has a thing for magicians, you may want to say hi!