Today I met with my advisor to discuss my thesis project for my Creative Writing Masters. Its a sort of modern, dark, epic poem (told in alternating prose and narrative poetry) about a voodoo priestess and a fallen angel - called SOULS UNSURE. Ill finish writing it this summer and turn it in during the Fall and have my public reading in December.
The main thread of the plot is told in narrative poem a voodoo mambos (Mama Nancy) prayers and rituals and dialogue with a dark muse (Crow) who she summoned to help her contact and keep track of a lost angel (Syth) who she convinced to go into a sort of limbo underworld (Sheol) and save a lost soul. Dispersed between those chapters, are interlude chapters told in prose self contained shorts that indirectly deal with the main plot and its themes.
I posted its description (the artists statement I had to write form my proposal) HERE.
And the prologue is HERE.
Comments are welcome.
I met a surrealist artist in Chicago who was interested in doing artwork for the book (and then we would make my final presentation a dual reading/art exhibit open to the public at my school). I havent heard from her in some time however. If nothing elseI maybe be in the market for another artist because I really like the idea of a dual show. Its funny, most of the writing students here do their readings, quietly, in a classroom, with just a handful of people present. But IM AN ATTENTION WHORE. I want to reserve the theatre or the art studio and fill it with as many strangers and friends as I can.
Back to studying voodoo (or vodou). I think by the time this is done, Ill be qualified to be a priest.
The main thread of the plot is told in narrative poem a voodoo mambos (Mama Nancy) prayers and rituals and dialogue with a dark muse (Crow) who she summoned to help her contact and keep track of a lost angel (Syth) who she convinced to go into a sort of limbo underworld (Sheol) and save a lost soul. Dispersed between those chapters, are interlude chapters told in prose self contained shorts that indirectly deal with the main plot and its themes.
I posted its description (the artists statement I had to write form my proposal) HERE.
And the prologue is HERE.
Comments are welcome.
I met a surrealist artist in Chicago who was interested in doing artwork for the book (and then we would make my final presentation a dual reading/art exhibit open to the public at my school). I havent heard from her in some time however. If nothing elseI maybe be in the market for another artist because I really like the idea of a dual show. Its funny, most of the writing students here do their readings, quietly, in a classroom, with just a handful of people present. But IM AN ATTENTION WHORE. I want to reserve the theatre or the art studio and fill it with as many strangers and friends as I can.
Back to studying voodoo (or vodou). I think by the time this is done, Ill be qualified to be a priest.