and sometimes you blow through the wrecked semi, cackling in the flames, now remembering that your tricycle is armed with laser guided missiles, and an Artificial Intelligence named Optimus Prime.
Its been a while since I really updated. Last big update, I was sick. I got better.
My days this week have consisted of me waking up at 5pm, going out (usually to Cafe' Aeon) to write amidst the nicotine smokethen I come home and write. I procrastinate here and there. And write. Then I run just before sunup, take care of emails, and, if Im lucky, get to bed by 8 am. Its a strange cycle.
The epic poem is coming along painfully at times and exciting at others. When you top writing, its like letting go of a muscle and the convalescence of bringing that sucker back to life is full of aches and doubts. But its coming back to me.
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
-Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
I now have a second reptilian pet. Its a Argentine Black and White Tegu. Theyre a big lizard. I dont know its sex yet nor have I seen it much, because it is hibernating (I thought it was dead when I got it). So a name will have to wait. They look something like this
A while back, the British web-magazine BLOODLUST UK featured two of my vampire stories (those may be my only vampire storiesIll have my secretary look into thatas soon as I hire her), Varmints and For Poor Lucy. The editor of that zine has been looking to publish an anthology of some of the stories on the website (including mine) and, in her promotional efforts has a print magazine wanting to feature some of the archived stories. So I sent my info to her today. The magazine is BITE ME MAGAZINE. It wouldnt pay all that muchbut it spreads my virus thoughts to more poor victims.
I updated my bio to send to them:
Joshua Alan Doetsch is a Masters student in creative writing. He fell back on writing ever since the heart wrenching day that the high school guidance counselor informed him that Spiderman was not a viable vocation. Hes currently finishing his thesis a modern epic poem about a fallen angel, a voodoo priestess, and a crow. He has stories featured in both Bloodlust UK and Eureka Literary Magazine. He is also one of five finalists in White Wolf Studios novel contest. One night, on a long drive, out of sheer boredom and morbid curiosity, he wrote a blues song about necrophilia. In the meantime, he stays up late with his pet serpent, Lenore, writing the things that come to him post witching hour and typing bios in the third person
Thoughif I want to go for more brevityI suppose I could just use Torries Moms intro of me that she tells people:
Joshua parrot head, poet, and wanderer in the dark.
OK...the sun is coming up...or at least thinking about it. I'm going to go sleep. Nighty-night kiddies (or day-dee-day). Do something today that makes you happy. Just put it on my tab.
Its been a while since I really updated. Last big update, I was sick. I got better.
My days this week have consisted of me waking up at 5pm, going out (usually to Cafe' Aeon) to write amidst the nicotine smokethen I come home and write. I procrastinate here and there. And write. Then I run just before sunup, take care of emails, and, if Im lucky, get to bed by 8 am. Its a strange cycle.
The epic poem is coming along painfully at times and exciting at others. When you top writing, its like letting go of a muscle and the convalescence of bringing that sucker back to life is full of aches and doubts. But its coming back to me.
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
-Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
I now have a second reptilian pet. Its a Argentine Black and White Tegu. Theyre a big lizard. I dont know its sex yet nor have I seen it much, because it is hibernating (I thought it was dead when I got it). So a name will have to wait. They look something like this

A while back, the British web-magazine BLOODLUST UK featured two of my vampire stories (those may be my only vampire storiesIll have my secretary look into thatas soon as I hire her), Varmints and For Poor Lucy. The editor of that zine has been looking to publish an anthology of some of the stories on the website (including mine) and, in her promotional efforts has a print magazine wanting to feature some of the archived stories. So I sent my info to her today. The magazine is BITE ME MAGAZINE. It wouldnt pay all that muchbut it spreads my virus thoughts to more poor victims.
I updated my bio to send to them:
Joshua Alan Doetsch is a Masters student in creative writing. He fell back on writing ever since the heart wrenching day that the high school guidance counselor informed him that Spiderman was not a viable vocation. Hes currently finishing his thesis a modern epic poem about a fallen angel, a voodoo priestess, and a crow. He has stories featured in both Bloodlust UK and Eureka Literary Magazine. He is also one of five finalists in White Wolf Studios novel contest. One night, on a long drive, out of sheer boredom and morbid curiosity, he wrote a blues song about necrophilia. In the meantime, he stays up late with his pet serpent, Lenore, writing the things that come to him post witching hour and typing bios in the third person
Thoughif I want to go for more brevityI suppose I could just use Torries Moms intro of me that she tells people:
Joshua parrot head, poet, and wanderer in the dark.
OK...the sun is coming up...or at least thinking about it. I'm going to go sleep. Nighty-night kiddies (or day-dee-day). Do something today that makes you happy. Just put it on my tab.

Wow. Big lizard indeed!