For a lot of people it seems that interacting over social networking sites is less awkward. They are able to be really be themselves (or conjure new identities) using these functions. However it feels the exact opposite for me. I feel weird and vulnerable on the internet.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 01, 2012
One of my best friends from high school is in NY for the summer while… -
Wednesday May 30, 2012
I go back and forth between Queens, NY (grad school) and Philadelphia… -
Saturday May 19, 2012
My braids are out. I miss them but I got my hair done. I always love … -
Saturday May 12, 2012
Tubsy graduated from Temple on Thursday. Bill Cosby was there and he … -
Monday May 07, 2012
This is the first time and a very long time that I am watching aftern… -
Saturday May 05, 2012
I'm almost done for the summer. I can't wait until I take my last exa… -
Thursday Apr 12, 2012
Staying up all night to get this work done. I am taking a break at th… -
Sunday Mar 25, 2012
Tubsy and I went a fundraiser at his grandmother's church. It was a s… -
Friday Mar 23, 2012
So I wish I was a biology major. I don't understand why I didn't go t… -
Thursday Mar 08, 2012
Today, my boyfriend and I celebrated our 7th year together by purchas…