Coolest shit evar. At my grandfather's viewing a few months ago I ran into an aunt who I hadn't seen in a long time. She and I got to chatting and it turns out that she has a son (my cousin, for my slower friends) who is into many of the same things that I am. Apparently we were great friends when we were four or so and haven't seen each other since. Said cousin is a bartender at the illustrious Tattooed Mom's on South Street. A couple of nights ago I happened to be in there and remembered this juicy tidbit. I sought him out, found him, and proceeded to reform bonds with him. He's a fucking utterly chill cat and I've been thoroughly enjoying his company. I went to a tree decorating party at his house last night and had a blast. Yay for redisovering wonderful family!
Oh yeah. And I've been hanging out with Liz some too. It's good, believe it or not. We're not getting back together or anything, but it is really lovely to have her back in my life in some capacity.
Oh yeah. And I've been hanging out with Liz some too. It's good, believe it or not. We're not getting back together or anything, but it is really lovely to have her back in my life in some capacity.
go look at the threads I just posted links to on my journal

Hello (hello hello). Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home?