Hmm let's see.... My birthday is tomorrow, I'm technically "unemployed" again (stupid season) and my etsy shop is giving me issues. Other than that? Ugh. Derby has been going faannnnttaaaasstttiiic. We're doing much better on our communication during scrimmages and we've been practicing occasionally with the Tampa Tantrums. They kicked our butts last season and now they're nice enough to show us how they did it. We have a bout against Gainsville soon that I'm pretty hyped about. Err... as for my birthday, myself and two friends are going up to ybor to see Jason Isbell! I never get tired of seeing him, plus, he does Drive By Trucker's songs inbetween his own. It's going to be a blast, dammit. We recently went to see Gaslight Anthem. Don't even get me started. They were pretty fantastic as well. Music wise it's been a great week. Work wise, restaurant season in Sarasota came to a screeching halt. So boo. I finally got everything in line and ready for my etsy shop, photographed everything, and the site does not want my large pictures. So now I have to resize everything. Bitching and everything else aside....I'm itching to take some new pictures and spend some more quality time online instead of just my phone. Why isn't there a suicide girls app for the iphone yet? ha ha

Tee hee.