oooh man.
i got an hour and a half of sleep.
went yard sailing.
for $10
checked it out on ebay
theres one on sale for $180.
and bidding hasnt even closed yet.
since my friend and i went halfsies on it
were splitting however much we sell it for
and getting tattoos.
im stoked, and i never say stoked.
and found the bc (..bone cruise) llama we were looking for the other night! it was right across the street from one of the yard sales we went to
thats probably not as funny if you dont live in /around gardner and go on the smoke roads all the time.
after that i ended up going to canobie with my dad
the rides there all suck assss
my dad doesnt know about my tattoos yet
and it was like.. a special work day there, so a lot of people from his company were there
and one of the younger engineers was like
are your tattoos real? when he was standing right there.. but not really paying attention
i was like lksdjflksdjflksdjflksejffdlkj :shakes head yes: noo, i wish they were though
he was ugly though.
then he asked me if i was in high school or college
i should have said high school just to make him feel like a creep.
oh well
im sooo exhausted
nap time for a while
i got an hour and a half of sleep.
went yard sailing.

for $10
checked it out on ebay
theres one on sale for $180.
and bidding hasnt even closed yet.
since my friend and i went halfsies on it
were splitting however much we sell it for
and getting tattoos.
im stoked, and i never say stoked.
and found the bc (..bone cruise) llama we were looking for the other night! it was right across the street from one of the yard sales we went to

thats probably not as funny if you dont live in /around gardner and go on the smoke roads all the time.
after that i ended up going to canobie with my dad
the rides there all suck assss
my dad doesnt know about my tattoos yet

and it was like.. a special work day there, so a lot of people from his company were there
and one of the younger engineers was like
are your tattoos real? when he was standing right there.. but not really paying attention
i was like lksdjflksdjflksdjflksejffdlkj :shakes head yes: noo, i wish they were though
he was ugly though.
then he asked me if i was in high school or college
i should have said high school just to make him feel like a creep.
oh well
im sooo exhausted
nap time for a while

I think you are really getting your moneys worth out of this site, your leaving a couple of journals per day....
And keep trying. More light on your next set should solve the problem. Good luck