i got stoned and watched movies tonight
hung out with my friend jeff
i seem to say the best shit whenever im with him
i think he makes me think about things
which is cool
sometimes i wish i could record my own conversations to go back to them later.
but i think my favorite thought for the night, the most interesting question i came up with was
how involved are you in your own life?
(and what does that mean)
hung out with my friend jeff
i seem to say the best shit whenever im with him
i think he makes me think about things
which is cool
sometimes i wish i could record my own conversations to go back to them later.
but i think my favorite thought for the night, the most interesting question i came up with was
how involved are you in your own life?
(and what does that mean)
great question, there, by the way. one of my favorite lines i ever came up with was, "its a shame that beauty is often wasted on such ugly people."