which historical lunatic are you?
i think when you hurt someone's feelings all of those good feelings they had that you took away are absorbed by you. i was gambling last night. i got taken on a bullshit hand. so i told the kid that i thought it was funny his dad left when he was little and that i wouldnt have stayed around either if id created a fuckin loser son like you. ever see a 21 yr old A+F, highlighted hair, meathead almost cry. like i mean you could see the extra layer of crystal sadness glaze his eyes. how embarrassing and hurtful. but the point of the story is that i felt much better. oh and then i took his money.

i think when you hurt someone's feelings all of those good feelings they had that you took away are absorbed by you. i was gambling last night. i got taken on a bullshit hand. so i told the kid that i thought it was funny his dad left when he was little and that i wouldnt have stayed around either if id created a fuckin loser son like you. ever see a 21 yr old A+F, highlighted hair, meathead almost cry. like i mean you could see the extra layer of crystal sadness glaze his eyes. how embarrassing and hurtful. but the point of the story is that i felt much better. oh and then i took his money.

oh yeah...just read the diatribe bout' stealing that toolbox's cash. You did the right thing. What, did he think he could just prance around w/highlighted hair and not expect to get fucked on? wanker.

No. I really don't like dead baby jokes.