id like to kill an animal with my bare hands. like a large deer or big dog. certainly it would have to put up a fight. i mean, thats the whole point. i think i could take a dog. but what if i couldnt? this question eats at me. im not sure that im alive so what better way to come to terms with my existence then a life or death struggle with a creature of equal character. yeah i think i could take a dog. stop glorifying anmials and put yourself in a situation where its you versus them. lets say, as an example, a large viscious dog. what could possibly be more life affirming then fighting to the bitter end with it. toy around with the idea. its a lot deeper then it seems to be. dont be a hippy, tree hugging, scumbag and say that fighting a dog would be fucked up. if thats what you are thinking right now then i hope that your first born gets mauled to death but some sort of beast. dont forget that we humans used to live in caves and struggle for survival everyday. its incrediably inhumane to live in a house and buy your food at the store. youre the mightiest of the beasts. intelligent and beautiful. deal with it. i think i could take a dog.
you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. you are not the contents of your wallet. you are not your fucking khakis.
i gu4ess you like me. dr4unk im drunk