As I try to sleep Zulu kings and Egyptian pyramids flood my mind. A downpour of a Trapper Keeper fifteen years removed. Then sex. Wishing I was having sex, then wishing I had someone I could have sex with.
Did I lock my car?
Did I roll up the windows?
What's that noise?
This is usally where the erection comes in, delayed reaction I guess. Just try and focus on baby lambs sequencially jumping a fence with tree trunk sprouting from your loins...not easy.
And you ask me why I don't get more sleep.
Did I lock my car?
Did I roll up the windows?
What's that noise?
This is usally where the erection comes in, delayed reaction I guess. Just try and focus on baby lambs sequencially jumping a fence with tree trunk sprouting from your loins...not easy.
And you ask me why I don't get more sleep.
Happy Monday!