Aargh! Curse Deadlines!
So, here I am with less than 5 days until my final critique of the semester. So many ideas, so much to do, so little time.
I apologize preemptively for my lack of focus and clear understanding of the space I am occupying. After Monday I'll be cool, until then my mind will be on cruise control.


PS. My dreams have...
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Okay, I had a strange dream last night...it had something to do with two of my fingers either falling off or being cut off. I don't remember how it all happened but I do remember that I picked one of them off what I was lead to believe was the bathroom floor and put it back on...


Maybe it means you will be a failed writer? I'm kidding. I have the most vivid and odd dreams, you'd be surprised. You've got some stellar taste Mr. I beg, add me-- we can chat some more.

If it's not love then it's the bomb that will bring us together.
Random things I've found scribbled on questionable sheets of paper (origins unknown) scattered around the apartment:

"Sometime I hate to breathe. An ambient sense of cheap cigarettes and liquor makes me nauseous. So does the desparate lack of hope and potential..."

"It's a horror just to be nominated."

"That completely healthy, smart and non-disabled kid sure plays a mean pinball."

"Orange pastel like Easter on...
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