Hmmm.... ?? ?? ??
I've been sick. And I have been very, very tired. School is really kicking my ass... in a good way. No time to really think, no time to really be sad or depressed or even angry...
who needs those crazy emotions anyhow??!!
One of my professor's is a dude in drag... ...His wardrobe is quite interesting too. I think some of the students are bit taken back by it, and I'm sure that some will surely drop his section....but good for him! Being who he wants to be. Fuck those closed minded muther fucka's anyhow.
My friends list went down by one more. That is not good.
This is all I got.
thats actually pretty bold. i respect bold
hope ya feel better to my allergies have been kickin my ass this past week so i feel your pain
if it is sinus related anyhow