Random Ramblings....
I'm tired. Soooo tired. I want like...12 hours straight of good, solid and sound sleep. mmmmm.
My uncle offered me $500 to shave my head as a drunkened dare and because he has more money than god. I told him no, but now I'm thinking..."why the fuck not??!!"
I feel the need to paint again and get my work out there. Not necessarily because I want people to buy it, but because I want someone to one day look at something that I've painted and say "oh my god. I get it. I get you. "
I'm looking forward to next semester. Yes, I'm looking forward to school. Again. I want to fucking graduate and go on to grad school. Become some kind of mad historian. I realize at this rate, that I will probably be in school for the rest of my youth and then some...but so fucking what...what else am I going to do with my time??
I need to find someone to do my tattoo.
I want to just get my labret piercing even if it means going alone. I'm sick of just talking about it.
I need to move.
I need to find a new (used) laptop.
I want some SG buttons..and the discontinued stickers.
I need to get my nose out of all these fucking books and stop watching so many fucking documentaries. GET OFF THE FUCKING COMPUTER. The sun is shining. It is summer. I should be outside building sandcastles somewhere.
I'm not even excited about the Renaissance Festival. And I always get excited for that.
Wanting to go to the lesbian bar just to have drinks bought for you...feels....wrong.
Everyone is moving away and leaving me. If this keeps happening for much longer, I'm packing my shit up, buying me a spaceship, and headed for mars. you fuckers.
Next weekend I want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Who is taking me? Seriously.
I want to marry Johnny Depp and have little Depp babies.
I want to marry Bam Margera while I'm at it.
love me. now.
Main Entry: 2neurotic
Function: noun
1 : one affected with a neurosis
2 : an emotionally unstable individual
Main Entry: 1neurotic
Pronunciation: nu-'r-tik
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, constituting, or affected with neurosis
If you read and made it this far....you get a cookie.
I'm tired. Soooo tired. I want like...12 hours straight of good, solid and sound sleep. mmmmm.
My uncle offered me $500 to shave my head as a drunkened dare and because he has more money than god. I told him no, but now I'm thinking..."why the fuck not??!!"
I feel the need to paint again and get my work out there. Not necessarily because I want people to buy it, but because I want someone to one day look at something that I've painted and say "oh my god. I get it. I get you. "
I'm looking forward to next semester. Yes, I'm looking forward to school. Again. I want to fucking graduate and go on to grad school. Become some kind of mad historian. I realize at this rate, that I will probably be in school for the rest of my youth and then some...but so fucking what...what else am I going to do with my time??
I need to find someone to do my tattoo.
I want to just get my labret piercing even if it means going alone. I'm sick of just talking about it.
I need to move.
I need to find a new (used) laptop.
I want some SG buttons..and the discontinued stickers.
I need to get my nose out of all these fucking books and stop watching so many fucking documentaries. GET OFF THE FUCKING COMPUTER. The sun is shining. It is summer. I should be outside building sandcastles somewhere.
I'm not even excited about the Renaissance Festival. And I always get excited for that.
Wanting to go to the lesbian bar just to have drinks bought for you...feels....wrong.
Everyone is moving away and leaving me. If this keeps happening for much longer, I'm packing my shit up, buying me a spaceship, and headed for mars. you fuckers.
Next weekend I want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Who is taking me? Seriously.
I want to marry Johnny Depp and have little Depp babies.

I want to marry Bam Margera while I'm at it.
love me. now.
Main Entry: 2neurotic
Function: noun
1 : one affected with a neurosis
2 : an emotionally unstable individual
Main Entry: 1neurotic
Pronunciation: nu-'r-tik
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, constituting, or affected with neurosis

If you read and made it this far....you get a cookie.


Second. I have proper transportation... I can go to movies...I can watch you get tatooed or pierced... Blah blah blah.. There's even room for the wheelchair now!!!! Yay!!!!
You should go camping. We had such a relaxing time.