Evidence That Proves That The World Isn't Totally Fucked.......Yet.
The things that still make this girl say "Awwwwww" out loud... kinda sickening, isn't it??
*NA *
The things that still make this girl say "Awwwwww" out loud... kinda sickening, isn't it??
*NA *
1 shot of jameson
1 large glass of cold coffee
Half and Half
Mix 'em all together and pour over ice. mmmmmm.
ok so are you bleaching over top of the colors you put on there? that's why you're having trouble if so. are you trying to go blonde? i always get splotchy results then just dye over them...but anyway i use clairol powdered bleach and 40 volume peroxide. Piratedog used a color remover and it worked really well for her. You might want to try that. Either way the beauty supply store is your friend.