Well, I'm paying for this shit so I should be using it....right?
Having a real hard time with words lately. Hard time expressing them, putting them to proper context, thinking of anything to say...hell, it's probably emotions I'm having the difficulty with. I have been such an insensitive whore lately, but not because I'm a heartless bitch....but because I have so much going on inside my head that I think of no one else but myself..It's putting a strain on the few friendships I have left, but I really don't know what to do.
Snap out of it, I know.
My health could be better, and much worse (I could be dead)
Really need to start taking better care of myself if I want to stick around and see 30. Excuses on top of excuses of why I can't or won't. But I need to. My kids need me around to torture them for the next 30-50 years lol...thinking about seeing a nutritionist, someone to help me get somewhat on the right path.
Been trying meditation too...it works great being out here in the "country". There's this great tree in the front that is great to sit under, along with this fantastic creek that is just so cool to lose yourself listening to.
Need less stress and more creek.
Having a real hard time with words lately. Hard time expressing them, putting them to proper context, thinking of anything to say...hell, it's probably emotions I'm having the difficulty with. I have been such an insensitive whore lately, but not because I'm a heartless bitch....but because I have so much going on inside my head that I think of no one else but myself..It's putting a strain on the few friendships I have left, but I really don't know what to do.
Snap out of it, I know.
My health could be better, and much worse (I could be dead)
Really need to start taking better care of myself if I want to stick around and see 30. Excuses on top of excuses of why I can't or won't. But I need to. My kids need me around to torture them for the next 30-50 years lol...thinking about seeing a nutritionist, someone to help me get somewhat on the right path.
Been trying meditation too...it works great being out here in the "country". There's this great tree in the front that is great to sit under, along with this fantastic creek that is just so cool to lose yourself listening to.
Need less stress and more creek.

I wish I had read this a little sooner

try being vegan? or don't! health benefits! or yeah a nutritionist, good idea! good luck!