So I am not going to Life this weekend. I think it's time for a little break.
I have been wearing myself out with all the partying.......
So its gonna be a weekend at home with the kids.
I've been trying to untangle some of the messes that I've gotten myself into as well.
Oh and I will be moving in like a week... not...
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I have been wearing myself out with all the partying.......
So its gonna be a weekend at home with the kids.
I've been trying to untangle some of the messes that I've gotten myself into as well.
Oh and I will be moving in like a week... not...
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i am so glag that everything is going well taking a night off form life is not a bad thing i bet you could use some sleep. drop me a txt some time my dear.
have a good weekend with the little ones

Well. Im going out tonight.
Nocturnal Indulgence is tonight and I'm going.
I am going a little crazy with this stayin in bullshit.
I don't know.
I'll take pics tonight.....
Nocturnal Indulgence is tonight and I'm going.
I am going a little crazy with this stayin in bullshit.
I don't know.
I'll take pics tonight.....
I'm not going to be makin' it tonight.. I am trying to save up a little for the luau at the lounge on the 22nd.. It's a 14 hour block party, but it's fu'king $30.. So who are you all friends with?
Hmm.. I think you took what I said the wrong way dork..

The Ravers Manifesto
Our emotional state of choice is ecstasy.
Our nourishment of choice is love.
Our addiction of choice is technology.
Our religion of choice is music.
Our currency of choice is knowledge.
Our politics of choice is none.
Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be.
You may hate us.
You may dismiss us.
You may misunderstand us....
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Our emotional state of choice is ecstasy.
Our nourishment of choice is love.
Our addiction of choice is technology.
Our religion of choice is music.
Our currency of choice is knowledge.
Our politics of choice is none.
Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be.
You may hate us.
You may dismiss us.
You may misunderstand us....
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i like that...the ravers manifesto...
Let's get a giraffe
and................... play leap frog.
Im trippin.
just thought you should know...........
but yeah.
nullOMG go to this site and watch this video its really really tight
and................... play leap frog.
Im trippin.
just thought you should know...........

but yeah.
nullOMG go to this site and watch this video its really really tight
I can see why you would enjoy that if your are tripping.
-sigh- I miss LSD
-sigh- I miss LSD
Hey so long time no blog.
I got a kitten today and named her Molly ...... after MDMA..... yeahhhhhh
I have been a busy busy girl... I moved to North Dallas and live alone... have been eating A LOT of shrooms.
Having all the fun.
I was getting a job at a strip club BUT i broke my toe and can't walk in heels for...
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I got a kitten today and named her Molly ...... after MDMA..... yeahhhhhh
I have been a busy busy girl... I moved to North Dallas and live alone... have been eating A LOT of shrooms.
Having all the fun.
I was getting a job at a strip club BUT i broke my toe and can't walk in heels for...
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fucking cool ass pics!
awww kitten <3
Hey hoe's so it's been a crazy couple of days.
I went to AFterlife last Friday and rolled really hard, it was pretty tight.
Then on Sunday me and some friends from Afterlife got together and did some acid and I tripped fucking nuts for like 24 hours. That shit was crazy intense.... fucking visuals were insane. This one chick ate like 7 hits and...
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I went to AFterlife last Friday and rolled really hard, it was pretty tight.
Then on Sunday me and some friends from Afterlife got together and did some acid and I tripped fucking nuts for like 24 hours. That shit was crazy intense.... fucking visuals were insane. This one chick ate like 7 hits and...
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its always good to hear that your having fun
any drug can be bad if misued, but especially heroin, crack, etc.
nicotine is a drug, alcohol is a drug.....only they're legal. and perscription drugs can be abused too.
but some are more evil than others.
I"m sorry for your loss. (((((hugs)))))
nicotine is a drug, alcohol is a drug.....only they're legal. and perscription drugs can be abused too.
but some are more evil than others.
I"m sorry for your loss. (((((hugs)))))
Damn things just can't go my way for long can they........
I am soooo frustrated
I just want happiness. I want people to stay out of my way and leave me the fuck alone. If I want your advice about something.... I'll ask. thankyouverymuch
Nothing to do with you guys.... I love all my SG friends. I'm just sick of...
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Damn things just can't go my way for long can they........
I am soooo frustrated
I just want happiness. I want people to stay out of my way and leave me the fuck alone. If I want your advice about something.... I'll ask. thankyouverymuch
Nothing to do with you guys.... I love all my SG friends. I'm just sick of...
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fuck the haters...
roll your own way (pun intended)
roll your own way (pun intended)

Crazy night......
I have so much fun at Afterlife! I went last night and some of my friends showed up and I had a great time. I fucking stomped non stop for like 4 hours straight so I am really sore today..... but it was totally worth it.
I am going again next Friday and possibly bringing my boyfriend's sister with me.... it will be...
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I have so much fun at Afterlife! I went last night and some of my friends showed up and I had a great time. I fucking stomped non stop for like 4 hours straight so I am really sore today..... but it was totally worth it.

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looks like a lot of fun!!

Today and the next 2 weeks to 6 months are going to suck. My boyfriend Tyler is going to jail today and it was only supposed to be for 2 weeks but now a judge is saying something about 188 days. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!
Soooo I don't know what I am going to do with myself... I live at his dad's house with him and...
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Soooo I don't know what I am going to do with myself... I live at his dad's house with him and...
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yup, I think life is generally about coping. Do the best you can. Who knows, 188 days might mean getting out in 7 days.
Thanks for the comment on the kitties. They are getting cuter every hour!
Thanks for the comment on the kitties. They are getting cuter every hour!

you have a great bum
