I was up til 7am waiting for fuckface to get home. Hes' a recovering alcoholic and he said he was going out to play pool when he left the house last night at 10pm. Stupid ass comes home at 7 swaying and slurring his speech and when I ask where the FUCK he's been he sayd Keagan's. Why would an alcoholic go there when all there is to do is drink? There are NO pool tables there and they close at 2am..... so what is his answer for the last 5 fucking hours? He says he was sitting in our car listening to a c.d.!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF STUPID ANSWER IS THAT?? I could have come up with a much better lie and he's soooo sticking to his lame story to. Oh and he goes... I think someone put something in my O'douls... Ummm guys don't drug other guys.... and it's also kinda hard to get drugged if you never leave your drink.... so someone please tell me why he thought this lame story would work? I am so fuckin going out tonight and believe me I won't be sitting in any car listening to any fucking c.d.s
Sounds like you're having a rough time... best of luck.