I am kinda sad.... yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina hit. I was living in Long beach Mississippi at the time and RIGHT ON THE BEACH. My entire apartment complex was destroyed and they found around 30 bodies in my complex alone. I was actually going to stay and not evacuate because I did'nt have the money to leave town. Around 5pm the night the hurricane hit my aunt sent me money to get me and my kids the hell out of there, thank GOD I left. I woke up the next day and saw the damage on the news, I just could'nt believe that I might have stayed. About a month later I drove back to pick up my husband from the Gulfport Navy base ( he had to stay because he was on the disaster recovery team) and I drove though all the debris to see what was left of my complex. We made our way to our apartment and I saw where I would have hidden me and my kids if we had stayed and I just broke down because I knew that my kids would have been so terrified and we would have died. I have not thought about all this in a while and I was watching a video today on you tube and saw my apartment complex in the clips from the hurricane, if you want to watch the video go to my myspace page... my complex is at 2 minutes and 10 seconds. I will also try and scan some of the pictures I took while I was down there.

p.s. have an amazing weekend hun!