tomorrow is kaine's 21st birthday. finally. ive waited two years for him to turn 21 lol. its finally here. today i have a 3 doctor's appointments: massage therapy, bioneurofeedback and the gynocologist. fun shit yo. tomorrow at noon i think kaine, me and some of the girls over at Talk of the Town are going to go chill at Ditch Fridays over at the palms. we'll prolly stay there for a few hours and then come home and go to sleep. then that nite, Kaine and I are going to dinner with his mom and then we are going to go to Sanctuary at Krave. Should be a fun day. woohoo. I've been so sick lately though it sucks. But I have faith that I will get better. I guarantee it!
I havent been on here in a few because I've been enamoured with this game I got for my brand new PSP! It's called Riviera and its a turn based RPG. I love those! I'm really anticipating Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the PSP in Oct. That will be SOOOO much fun. hmm. Well, I'm writing on my brand new computer that I got for my birthday from my parents. It's so rockin! It's got a flat panel LCD screen (17 inch), 500 Gigs of Hard Drive space, and its designed specifically for multitasking. the only problem I have with it is that it is a vista based OS. I don't think I'm quite so crazy about it, but whateva! I finally got some new pix done with Travis. I intend on taking a bunch more soon and getting a new set done! I'm including below some of the shots taken. I promise to include more soon!

great pics
You are so beautiful !!!