today has been rough. i just got news that my grandmother in israel has been admitted into the ICU and is now on a respirator. things have been rather tense these past few hours. unfortunately i cannot afford the ticket out and will not be able to go out and see her before she dies. this sucks royally. im somewhat delirious right now, but i felt i should write about it before i go to bed so that i can get out some of the mixed up things in my head.
my day was going fine, other than my losing phone (but then finding it at Borders later) and the news stated above. i need to go turn in my job application tomorrow. cant tell you what it is yet because i dont want to jinx it! lol. hopefully i'll see bianca tomorrow and maybe my day will get better. it started to earlier, so i think that's a good sign. ugh. exhaustion. and i think my ds lite just took a royal shit. gah. its broken!
the day before yesterday i did a shoot with my friend Anya. guess what? some pix are below. figured i'd end ugly news with pretty imagery....

my day was going fine, other than my losing phone (but then finding it at Borders later) and the news stated above. i need to go turn in my job application tomorrow. cant tell you what it is yet because i dont want to jinx it! lol. hopefully i'll see bianca tomorrow and maybe my day will get better. it started to earlier, so i think that's a good sign. ugh. exhaustion. and i think my ds lite just took a royal shit. gah. its broken!
the day before yesterday i did a shoot with my friend Anya. guess what? some pix are below. figured i'd end ugly news with pretty imagery....

By the way, are guys allowed to post dirty pics on here of their...umm... man parts? Ew. If so, I'm done with SG.