Well today was a good day. Took care of business early in the day and decided I would take the day to do the things I wanted to do. I stopped off at this neat little new alternative clothing store, window shopped, and price checked my dream halloween costume (It\'s a Final Fantasy Costume. And I\'m just a dork like that... soooo addicting...lol) and continued on to my mom\'s house. The coolest thing about living in Las Vegas is that mother / daughter bonding can be done while sitting at a slot machine. Hah! I hadn\'t been to a casino in like 3 months, so it was somewhat of a nice reprieve from the real world. Neither of us won, but we only spent a grand total of $35 bucks between the two of us... so... yea. Not bad at all... overall a good day.
Oh! And I just took a few random shots. Have a looksie! It's me all candid-like!

I look confused here... heh...

Yea its kinda blurry I know. But it just came out sooo coool...........
And I just noticed, it says the date is Nov. 30, 1999....hmm....
::hums "let's do the time warp agaaaain!"::
Yea. Like I said... I'm a dork.... hehe...
Oh! And I just took a few random shots. Have a looksie! It's me all candid-like!

I look confused here... heh...

Yea its kinda blurry I know. But it just came out sooo coool...........
And I just noticed, it says the date is Nov. 30, 1999....hmm....
::hums "let's do the time warp agaaaain!"::
Yea. Like I said... I'm a dork.... hehe...
what part are you from?