Being friends with Lesbians and Bi-sexual womn is one of the most difficult things to do thse days. Especially when they re iterested and you're not. So im living with my friend Jamie who is now finally ready to admit that she is a Lesbian...(took her long enough) ANyway point being, she is infatuated with me to a point. She knows where i stand with her, that i want to be strictly friends and am not interested in a relationship with her. Yet she still says i've given her a new reason to live, that she smiles more than ever now etc etc...and i'm just being my regular self. Ad my good friend Stacey that i've mentioned in past blogs...she gets jealous when i spend too much time hanging out with jamie, if "too much time" is actually legit, but anyway...she gets jealous and lately she has been acting all nice and "lovy" and such it's really strange since we both agree that we would no longer be good together...*sigh* women are so confusig and honestly i think 'm staying bi-sexual but my affinity is swnging back towards men. *shrugs* who kows..but oh women you have to love them don't you??

at uni i lived with two gay guys and they where about the best flatmates ever.
one of them kind of had a crush on me and made things a little uncomfortable sometimes.
but oh well.
how are you anyway?
i saw that you was a member of the mixed race group as well so i thought i would say hi