had a very productive business meeting today.
finally got my fashin sketching book back, so i can work on my pin-up line, it's gonna be so sweeeeet.
i am very excited.
also finally got my glasses, i can now see, and it's lovely.
i finally slept a whole night, and it was WONDERFUL!
it was nice to be cheerful in the morning instead of a glaring, sleepy bitch.
although i still think dunkin' donuts is putting poison in my coffee, i can't figure out why they have it out for me...but i will. until then i will keep drinking their coffee and falling prey to their evil plan,...
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dante needs to get his ass on here and update sometime
i am wearing suspenders and a tie....and it's fucking sweet.

dani and i's k-mart/gallery mission was semi-successful. but honestly, considering we sealed the fate of your day before it even began, how were we to know there would be monsters and asian mobs to keep us from completeing our mission? how were we to know what was to come.
besides, the gallery is a damn...
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First entry in my SG Journal!

so i'm loving this site, so many naked ladies, so little time to look at them all, i think my boyfriend is beginning to get jealous....oh well. i just can't resist!

i should be working on my finals right now instead of looking at naked ladies, but i need inspiration to finish my work, and where better to get...
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lady, i miss you and am not amused being in reading. puke