i have followed suit with Dani and cancelled my account. The naked is just not doing it for me lately. I must search for other sites with other naked ladies....I know I'll probably be back though. ARRR!!!
my fishie died.

cassanova frankenstein was only a member of our family for 1 week, but his fishie legacy will live on in our hearts.

fuck you pet store, breakin' little girl's hearts by selling them sick fishies....
so we went to buy a fishie yesterday.
just one.
but, of course, we came home with two. they were having a sale...how could we have only bought one! so now there are two new additions to our kinda-sorta-family, cassanova frankenstein and gargamel.
much <3 for the fishies.

i am bored, people should come visit me. i have goodies, and robot chicken, and new fishies. bok
What kind of fishies did you get?
bettas! they're my favorite.
1st week of class is ova! went pretty well...i'm pretty happy with all my courses this time. except for the idiots in my wed. class....they can suck my balls.

hopin' for a good weekend, the boy and i haven't been able to spend a weekend together in quite awhile, so it should be nice. lots of movies, sex, smoking, going to buy a goldfish, sleeping,...
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fuckin' motherfuckers trying to bust into my apt.

next person who fucks with my lock, my door, anything...is getting a bat to the head and boot in the face.

in other news, i picked up my schedule today, no holds for once, i got hugged by a crazy delivery man, and i got free poker chips when i bought cigarettes from the store across the...
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fuckin hood rat bitches.
i'm supposed to be packing to go home this weekend....but the internet is distracting me.

i have discovered netflix, and i am most definitely in love with them.

i think i'm putting off packing because i don't really want to go home, i've got a lot of family drama going on, and i don't really want to deal with it. don't get me wrong, i...
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we have internet again! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

finally moved in and "settled" in the new place, living the domestic life with dante....hopefully it's going to work out for us. if not, i will kill him and hide his body under the floorboards.

so, it's spring break, who else wants to come visit me?! tongue
You guys are to sexual...ewwwwww!
you know, i was pretty dissapointed that it didnt happen. my day never really got exciting! but she does enjoy a good blunt (who the hell doenst!) word. i dont want to start classes
moving SUCKS!

i found a vehicle, but i can't find anyone to help me=(
see now if i was on speaking terms with my dad this week, he would come up and help, but noooo... frown
i got pounced AGAIN! damn you springtime.

i move this weekend, yay...i think. surreal
i got fuckin' pounced on yesterday.....and it was awesome.

4 times in less than 24 hrs., just like bunnies cuz it's springtime!

i watched this crazy movie called "3 Extremes" last night, it started out with this story about eating babies to look more youthful, and this woman ate babies, and then she went to see her husband and he was all wanting to hump...
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oh springtime, how i love thee.

everyones sposed to be twitterpated. miao!!
i went on a little shopping spree with my b-day money today after class, here's the booty I came home with:

-2 new magazine, Nylon & Paper. I can't wait to destroy them=)
-New book, Chuck Palahniuk's "Stranger than Fiction"
-Ross Campbell's new comic "The Abandoned", it has lesbians and zombies, what more could you possibly ask for?

I didn't get that much, but I...
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we've previously discussed this matter....hes A CHICK! wait no. he has the equipment of a male.. henceforce, gay he is!
suicide club what??? i love the news