Okay, so here's what's happening:
I'm done with college for awhile. I can't say for certain how long, but it's going to at least be a year. Maybe more. I'll have to wait and see what happens.
I'm going to be moving back up north to live with my parents for awhile, and if whatever job I get ends up paying enough, I may move out to live on my own in Grand Forks. I would love that, but again, I'll just have to wait and see.
There's a slight possibility that I may end up in the military. If I do, it'll either be Air Force or Navy, and my dad will see to it that I get assigned somewhere where I won't be going to Iraq. It should be pretty easy for him to work it out, what with being a 16-year veteran of the Navy. I'd love to get stationed in Japan for a few years, but this is all just food for thought, basically. I'll only use the military as a LAST RESORT. If I can get by as just a working stiff, I'll do it.
There's also the possibility that I might disappear off of this site for awhile. My subscription is about to end, at which point I won't have the money to get another three months in, so unless someone on my friends list or what have you REALLY wants to keep me around and fork over the $18 to do it (or however much it is), I'll probably be out of touch.
Still, I invite anyone and everyone to email me at either beatdrop@gmail.com or dain.olsen@gmail.com, and I promise you I'll respond.
I'm also done smoking. Yep, no more. I can't now that I'm moving back in with my parents, and it's for the best, anyway. I got them to quit for the sake of their health, so I should do the same. It was awfully hypocritical of me to start up in the first place.
So that's where I'm at. It's simply gotten to the point where I will no longer be able to survive on my own living here in Bemidji and still be able to pull good grades in my classes. My parents aren't terribly disappointed that my grades are going to be shitty, though. They're just happy that I finally came out and told them the whole truth, because now they at least have been able to help me come up with a plan to LIVE. A plan that allows me to eat regularly. A plan that allows me to hold onto my sanity. And I'm grateful for it.
At any rate, if I ever move back here to Bemidji, I won't be living in the same place. The trailer I'm currently in is being sold to Crown Property Management, the people who manage the Hillcrest Manor trailer park where this trailer is located. Not sure what they'll do with it, but it's nice to get rid of it, because my parents certainly need the money.
But I'm sure that the next year or so will be good for me. I'll have the extra money to finally do some things that I've wanted to do, like get my motorcycle license and possibly even a motorcycle. I honestly can't fucking wait. Should be a blast.
Anyhow, I'll see you all on the flipside.
Much love,
PS: Let it be known that my birthday is in ten days (on the 17th)! It'd be a perfect time to gift me a subscription
(Or something else, for that matter........)
I'm done with college for awhile. I can't say for certain how long, but it's going to at least be a year. Maybe more. I'll have to wait and see what happens.
I'm going to be moving back up north to live with my parents for awhile, and if whatever job I get ends up paying enough, I may move out to live on my own in Grand Forks. I would love that, but again, I'll just have to wait and see.
There's a slight possibility that I may end up in the military. If I do, it'll either be Air Force or Navy, and my dad will see to it that I get assigned somewhere where I won't be going to Iraq. It should be pretty easy for him to work it out, what with being a 16-year veteran of the Navy. I'd love to get stationed in Japan for a few years, but this is all just food for thought, basically. I'll only use the military as a LAST RESORT. If I can get by as just a working stiff, I'll do it.
There's also the possibility that I might disappear off of this site for awhile. My subscription is about to end, at which point I won't have the money to get another three months in, so unless someone on my friends list or what have you REALLY wants to keep me around and fork over the $18 to do it (or however much it is), I'll probably be out of touch.
Still, I invite anyone and everyone to email me at either beatdrop@gmail.com or dain.olsen@gmail.com, and I promise you I'll respond.
I'm also done smoking. Yep, no more. I can't now that I'm moving back in with my parents, and it's for the best, anyway. I got them to quit for the sake of their health, so I should do the same. It was awfully hypocritical of me to start up in the first place.
So that's where I'm at. It's simply gotten to the point where I will no longer be able to survive on my own living here in Bemidji and still be able to pull good grades in my classes. My parents aren't terribly disappointed that my grades are going to be shitty, though. They're just happy that I finally came out and told them the whole truth, because now they at least have been able to help me come up with a plan to LIVE. A plan that allows me to eat regularly. A plan that allows me to hold onto my sanity. And I'm grateful for it.
At any rate, if I ever move back here to Bemidji, I won't be living in the same place. The trailer I'm currently in is being sold to Crown Property Management, the people who manage the Hillcrest Manor trailer park where this trailer is located. Not sure what they'll do with it, but it's nice to get rid of it, because my parents certainly need the money.
But I'm sure that the next year or so will be good for me. I'll have the extra money to finally do some things that I've wanted to do, like get my motorcycle license and possibly even a motorcycle. I honestly can't fucking wait. Should be a blast.
Anyhow, I'll see you all on the flipside.
Much love,
PS: Let it be known that my birthday is in ten days (on the 17th)! It'd be a perfect time to gift me a subscription

yer gonna be missed