Update! says essenceofevil, so update I shall.
Just got back from my Thanksgiving weekend with the 'rents. It was... interesting. My dad was being obnoxious most of the time, making a point to take jabs at me every opprotunity he could (in a joking manner), so I took jabs back. That was, like I said, interesting.
At any rate, I went the whole damn time without a SINGLE CIGARETTE. And it wasn't hard at all. But I'm glad I'm back to where I can be to have as many as I want. Har har.
Didn't really buy anything while I was up there, which was disappointing, but I was kind of worried about what it would cost to--
OKAY! As I was leaving Bemidji, my car broke down. It just DIED. It started jerking and kicked out of cruise, and then the check engine light started flashing, so that was a bad sign. I pulled over, and the oil light came on for some reason, and I shut the car off. It smelled like oil. I got out, checked the engine. It wasn't smoking, and it hadn't exploded or anything, so I wasn't sure what the problem was. I looked under the car to see if anything was leaking, and nothing was. I turned on my emergency flashers and called my parents. The way I worded it when my mom picked up before telling her exactly what happened, she thought I had gotten into another accident.
That's when I realized my phone was dying
And I was a good 10 miles or so from Bemidji. However, a stroke of luck occurred. A tow truck driver happened to drive by and pulled over, asking if I needed help. Obviously, I did, so he gave me a tow back into Bemidji over to the Chrysler/Dodge dealership, the service department of which was LUCKILY still open, so I could get my car in there with the necessary paperwork to have it fixed over the weekend. He gave me a ride back to my place, and my parents decided they'd drive the two hours to pick me up.
So yeah, I didn't buy anything (except a couple CDs) because I was worried it would cost a lot to fix it. But apparently just some spark plugs or something, so it wasn't a costly fix. Thank pie for that.
Anyway, got to see my bro, so that was the main point for going home. Ate lots of turkey, too. AND MASHED POTATOES! MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm...
On a completely unrelated note, Metal Gear Solid 3 fucking rules. If you have a PS2 and you haven't picked it up yet, you're missing out huuuugely. I really need to buy that game, but I should make sure my finances are in the green before doing so.
Guess that's all for now.
Just got back from my Thanksgiving weekend with the 'rents. It was... interesting. My dad was being obnoxious most of the time, making a point to take jabs at me every opprotunity he could (in a joking manner), so I took jabs back. That was, like I said, interesting.
At any rate, I went the whole damn time without a SINGLE CIGARETTE. And it wasn't hard at all. But I'm glad I'm back to where I can be to have as many as I want. Har har.
Didn't really buy anything while I was up there, which was disappointing, but I was kind of worried about what it would cost to--
OKAY! As I was leaving Bemidji, my car broke down. It just DIED. It started jerking and kicked out of cruise, and then the check engine light started flashing, so that was a bad sign. I pulled over, and the oil light came on for some reason, and I shut the car off. It smelled like oil. I got out, checked the engine. It wasn't smoking, and it hadn't exploded or anything, so I wasn't sure what the problem was. I looked under the car to see if anything was leaking, and nothing was. I turned on my emergency flashers and called my parents. The way I worded it when my mom picked up before telling her exactly what happened, she thought I had gotten into another accident.
That's when I realized my phone was dying

So yeah, I didn't buy anything (except a couple CDs) because I was worried it would cost a lot to fix it. But apparently just some spark plugs or something, so it wasn't a costly fix. Thank pie for that.
Anyway, got to see my bro, so that was the main point for going home. Ate lots of turkey, too. AND MASHED POTATOES! MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm...
On a completely unrelated note, Metal Gear Solid 3 fucking rules. If you have a PS2 and you haven't picked it up yet, you're missing out huuuugely. I really need to buy that game, but I should make sure my finances are in the green before doing so.
Guess that's all for now.

With that said, buy a new car, it'll make you feel better, go buy all sorts of crap because when you die your kids can take the debt