So, now that i've explored a few of the new SG groups and toodled around a few new photosets and journals...
I have decided to take advantage of a few of the added options in my own journal.
Out of the kindness of my heart I have compiled a list of items I am requiring that you might buy them for me.
I implore you! Buy Me Things that I might be more inclined to like you, and thus when I have taken my place as rightful ruler of the Planet Earth I will, out of gratitude, allow your death to be both quick and relatively painless.
Also, I have filled out a "Dating Profile" so that you might "date" me, for I am infinitely datable.
I am also "on the market"... so if any of you are fond of speculating, trading on futures... remember to buy me low and sell me high.
That is all, I expect to have several new toys and dates by the time I wake up tomorrow.
Do not let me down.
(also, I went to halloween horror nights tonight as a member of the Unwashed Masses. It was far to sexy for my own good. Some of those stiltwalkers are lucky I was too short to flirt with them all the way up there or else they'd have been trying to squeeze under the hotel room door after work instead of changing and going home.. no honey, you can't take the outfit off. its VERY important that you leave the outfit ON )
I have decided to take advantage of a few of the added options in my own journal.
Out of the kindness of my heart I have compiled a list of items I am requiring that you might buy them for me.
I implore you! Buy Me Things that I might be more inclined to like you, and thus when I have taken my place as rightful ruler of the Planet Earth I will, out of gratitude, allow your death to be both quick and relatively painless.
Also, I have filled out a "Dating Profile" so that you might "date" me, for I am infinitely datable.
I am also "on the market"... so if any of you are fond of speculating, trading on futures... remember to buy me low and sell me high.
That is all, I expect to have several new toys and dates by the time I wake up tomorrow.
Do not let me down.

(also, I went to halloween horror nights tonight as a member of the Unwashed Masses. It was far to sexy for my own good. Some of those stiltwalkers are lucky I was too short to flirt with them all the way up there or else they'd have been trying to squeeze under the hotel room door after work instead of changing and going home.. no honey, you can't take the outfit off. its VERY important that you leave the outfit ON )

I'll add you to the Clan folder.
clan tag *SG* or something.....looks like little stars.
Your buddy has a Server? tell