I realized two things this evening:
(a) I speak Spanish much better when I am drunk
(7) Any Do-gooder worth his weight in leotards never actually shoots a henchman, but merely shoots his adversaries' weapons before punching them, or giving them all a hearty shove.
When did our heros lose these noble values?
Thank you sexy people for welcoming me to your site. Soon mayhaps I will post on your wonderful boards, but for now I am content to peruse (which, for those of you with poor vocabulary, is a country just south of Ecuador and just north of Bolivia).
(a) I speak Spanish much better when I am drunk
(7) Any Do-gooder worth his weight in leotards never actually shoots a henchman, but merely shoots his adversaries' weapons before punching them, or giving them all a hearty shove.
When did our heros lose these noble values?
Thank you sexy people for welcoming me to your site. Soon mayhaps I will post on your wonderful boards, but for now I am content to peruse (which, for those of you with poor vocabulary, is a country just south of Ecuador and just north of Bolivia).
and screw noble values, what happened to their sense of fashion? why does no hero wear a good hat anymore? dammit, a hero needs a good hat and a naive child sidekick. where are all the naive kids hanging out with crazy older men (stupid priests and their monopoly on naive kids...)
i want my hero's to be hard drinking pedophiles with a pretty girl they never sleep with and a great fucking hat! whatever happened to that kind of hero. stupid television. killed the pulp magazine.
excuse me, i need to go throw a television out of a window.
i still like you, though.