Sometimes I wonder why there is no site dedicated to Sexy Reggae and Ragga Guys.

I could use the ca$h-money!
Where is my HomicideGuys.com???
Curses at having been born a man... and thus being almost entirely unsuitable for monetary compensation for the willing removal of my loose-fitting vestments prior to affecting a sultry positure and sexually confident demeanor.
At any rate I lack the sexually confident demeanor that presupposes any talent for being the subject of a racy photograph, women tend to unnerve me (as women are wont to do), cameras unnerve me even more, naturally a woman with a camera is probably the scariest thing my mind can imagine (excepting maybe being stuck in a cramped elevator alongside a woman with a camera, and a velociraptor, but thats a different story entirely).
Sooner or later I will probably have to cancel my subscription to SuicideGirls and lose the joy of reading your posts and the sg boards and seeing your amazing pix.
Mayhaps I will start peddling cheesy spraypraint art or non-existent DeLoreans on Ebay.
Mayhaps you will buy one??
it's a shame that you're too shy to do gay porn, being that you're attractive and all. that's good money! of course, your simulatenous shyness and audacious arrogance is part of why i love you so dearly.