Subhumans is tonight. Which means I finally get to see From Ashes Rise (again!). Ahh, I can't wait. It's going to be so good. I think I found a new place to live.....maybe this weekend I will be moving...again
i am in the process of putting some band pics i have taken in my candids. there are a few in there so far of the nerve agents. i thought you might want to check them out.
We have to be out by the 1st. It's been soooo much fun living in that place...and I'm really sad that I have to leave. I don't want to go back home with my parents. I might stay at my grandmas for a few weeks until I find an apartment. I really wish we could stay living their, but since Brea quit her job I... Read More
Ahh, so yesterday...DAY OFF. Finally. I sold a customer a big John Deere tractor, so my paycheck should be really good this month. An extra 400 dollars a month never hurt, right?? So yesterday I hit up Portland. I didn't get to do all the things I wanted to do, but I got most of it done. Got my tickets to see Subhumans and From... Read More
So someone thought it would be cool to set my car on fire (NOT my new car thank god). Anyways my insurance compensated me for it...1,400 dollars. Good deal in my opinion. So now my doctors bill is payed off and I have 680 bucks in the bank for my first car payment. Went to Brickwall last night, but no one was there...weird. So insted... Read More
Wow, actually the only ones from your list that I knew were World Burns To Death (they're from around here, I believe), Career Suicide (who I really want to check out based on the reviews I've seen) and Some Kind Of Hate (I'm still waiting on my preordered vinyl of that from Bridge9). Unfortunately I'm still more interested in long dead bands than most of the new ones as far as Hard Core goes. I just don't hear much that sounds anywhere near as good as a lot of the bands that broke up 15 to 20 years ago. I'd rather listen to anything by Negative Approach than anything by most of the big names in "hard core" today. Too much metal and emo shit is being passed off as Hard Core nowadays. There are a few new bands I like, Mental is really good. We got to open up for them back in December at a couple of their shows here. Blood For Blood still get me going, Awkward Thought, while definitely not a new band, are fucking awesome. I'm also into a lot of street punk stuff, locally the Lower Class Brats are great, the Dead End Cruisers were really good, it's too bad they split up as their last album was amazing. The Ritchie Whites are another Austin band I like a lot. What I've heard from R'N'R and some of the other bands on Dead Alive records is really impressive too.
So did you pick that Descendents record up yet? How is it? I have to admit, I've been very wary of them since the first tour back together, it just seemed very insincere. I guess it could have been a bad night, but I just have a hard time with those guys and I've COMPLETELY given up on ALL.
Drum lessons yesterday were kick ass. I started out doing really well and actually finished really tired and worn out. didn't work on d-beat too much. Paul pretty much said I had it down, but that I just need to hit the snare a little harder and more consistant. He's going to Costa Rica for like a month and a half, so that means no... Read More
I put up some Los Olvidados mp3s. Check them out here.
Los O is full-on early 80s skatepunk froom San Jose. The guys went on to different bands including the Faction, Drunk Injuns, Clay Wheels, and the Dwarves.
I'm too lazy too type much of anything right now. Drum lessons frusterate the fuck out of me for the first 45min-1hr, then after that I start to tear shit up.....or something like that. Yesterday I pretty much learned the D-beat in about an hour. Of course I still need practice to pick up speed and cordination, but I must say I was doing pretty... Read More
Went to brickwall last night...but they were closed. Brickwall is owned by Billy from Tragedy, Deathreat, and From Ashes Rise...and some girl from Harum Scarum works there too. Totally DIY punk record store. They have a pretty decent selection of cd's and vinyl, along with some cassette tapes, and used cd's and vinyl. Ohh, and they have zines too. Anyways I guess they are closed... Read More
Good news( ) or bad news( )?
Lets start with the . The bad news is that my cars transmission went out and now I am royally fucked. It's going to cost 3,000 dollars to rebuild one, so I'm just going to buy a new car. I've been really depressed lately and for a good reason I suppose.
i am in the process of putting some band pics i have taken in my candids. there are a few in there so far of the nerve agents. i thought you might want to check them out.
have a wonderful weekend.