Ahh, so yesterday...DAY OFF. Finally. I sold a customer a big John Deere tractor, so my paycheck should be really good this month. An extra 400 dollars a month never hurt, right?? So yesterday I hit up Portland. I didn't get to do all the things I wanted to do, but I got most of it done. Got my tickets to see Subhumans and From Ashes Rise. Really excited about that...but it does suck that they are playing at the Crystal. Then I found out that The Unseen, Casualties, and Total Chaos are all playing within a week of each other. All at the Paris. Rad. Then I went to 2nd ave and got this cool best of GBH record, Skitsystem cd, Adolescents live cd/dvd, and I bought Brea the Blatz/Filth shit split. I really wanted to go to Ground Kontrol to play games ...and I wanted Rocco's really bad too. Ohh, well gives me something to do on Sunday. YES!!!!
the blatz/filth split has to be one of my favourite records ever. good choice, my little man.
Nope, never heard of 'em.