Drum lessons yesterday were kick ass. I started out doing really well and actually finished really tired and worn out. didn't work on d-beat too much. Paul pretty much said I had it down, but that I just need to hit the snare a little harder and more consistant. He's going to Costa Rica for like a month and a half, so that means no more lessons for a while. Anyone in the Portland area have a drum set that I could practice on for a month or so?? I'll pay ya!!!
Next beat that I learn is the ever so popular 7 Seconds beat. They use to be one of my favorite bands a while back. Still really like them. After my lessons I went to Brickwall and I got the Limp Wrist LP. It's basically Queer-core fronted by the lead singer of Los Crudos (AMAZING FUCKING BAND....LEGENDARY EVEN), anyways it is pretty much like Crudos, except lyrics are in english, insted of Spanish. I also got this 7" by this Mexican hardcore band...the name escapes me right now, but it's really fucking good. I get paid today, so that will be cool. Get to pay all my bills and such. YIPEE!!!!
Brea and I had a talk and I think everything is ok now. What I wouldn't do to be in bed snuggling her right now......

Next beat that I learn is the ever so popular 7 Seconds beat. They use to be one of my favorite bands a while back. Still really like them. After my lessons I went to Brickwall and I got the Limp Wrist LP. It's basically Queer-core fronted by the lead singer of Los Crudos (AMAZING FUCKING BAND....LEGENDARY EVEN), anyways it is pretty much like Crudos, except lyrics are in english, insted of Spanish. I also got this 7" by this Mexican hardcore band...the name escapes me right now, but it's really fucking good. I get paid today, so that will be cool. Get to pay all my bills and such. YIPEE!!!!

i think we need more cowbeLL!!
[Edited on Feb 04, 2004 5:53PM]
I put up some Los Olvidados mp3s. Check them out here.
Los O is full-on early 80s skatepunk froom San Jose. The guys went on to different bands including the Faction, Drunk Injuns, Clay Wheels, and the Dwarves.