Went to brickwall last night...but they were closed. Brickwall is owned by Billy from Tragedy, Deathreat, and From Ashes Rise...and some girl from Harum Scarum works there too. Totally DIY punk record store. They have a pretty decent selection of cd's and vinyl, along with some cassette tapes, and used cd's and vinyl. Ohh, and they have zines too. Anyways I guess they are closed on mondays...so then I just went to Music Millennium on East side, but they didn't have shit. So when all else fails, go to second ave, right? I purchased the new Maximum Rock n roll, a DRI bootleg LP w/ the first ep. When that was first released it had 22 songs on a fucking 7"...A 7" INCH!!! 22 SONGS!!! I also got DYS which is this hardcore band from Boston that Dave Smalley was in...infact the first band he was ever in...Davey Smalley of Dag Nasty, ALL, and Down by law of course......ohh, and I got a Totalitar cd. Fucking rad. Over the weekend Brea went and picked me up the Peace/War comp and it's fucking great. Basically any of the Maximum Rock n Roll comps were stellar.....welcome to 1984, not so quiet of the western front.....ahhhh, 1980's punk was the best.

have a great day!