Good news(
) or bad news(
Lets start with the
. The bad news is that my cars transmission went out and now I am royally fucked. It's going to cost 3,000 dollars to rebuild one, so I'm just going to buy a new car. I've been really depressed lately and for a good reason I suppose.
Now to the good news. The good news is that Brea is amazing. She offered to drive 1 hour to come get me so she could take me back home( I work in Salem, live in Vancouver) and we could do something fun tonight......and she offered to pay for it cause she knows that I will be in a financial bind until I figuere out how much this car is going to cost me. Ohh, and Paul is going to dub me copies of the Flex your Head comp, Peace/War Comp, This is Boston, Not LA comp, DRI's Dirty Rotten LP(or ep, depending on what issue you might have), and some other stuff. So hopefully everything will work out alright. I'm hoping and preying.

Lets start with the

Now to the good news. The good news is that Brea is amazing. She offered to drive 1 hour to come get me so she could take me back home( I work in Salem, live in Vancouver) and we could do something fun tonight......and she offered to pay for it cause she knows that I will be in a financial bind until I figuere out how much this car is going to cost me. Ohh, and Paul is going to dub me copies of the Flex your Head comp, Peace/War Comp, This is Boston, Not LA comp, DRI's Dirty Rotten LP(or ep, depending on what issue you might have), and some other stuff. So hopefully everything will work out alright. I'm hoping and preying.