Christmas is about 5 days away. I'm pretty excited. My shopping is now done. Now all I have to do is wrap some of the presents and maybe get a card or two. Wednsday night we are all going over to Brea's grandma's house and opening up SOME presents there and then on Christmas day we get to open up the rest of the presents. I've decided that I REALLY want a persian cat sometime this next year. They are soooo adorable...and only 400 (
) dollars at the pest store. Ohh, can always wish, right? Drum lessons on Sunday....ohh, and I got Paul a little christmas present...the new World Burns to Death 7"

u can take em on walKs..
that's riGHt!! i said u can walk eM!!
have a good x-mas..
have fun at the g-ma's house.
And btw, you're very cute, so change your damn profile, Mr. Modest!
[Edited on Dec 23, 2003 1:13PM]