My pussy's name is Paul!!!!
Why you might ask??
There was a running game in my boyfriends house (it was 6 guys living together) the game included naming your girlfriends pussy a boys name. So Guthrie decided to name mine Paul.
So...Why Paul?? What the significance of the name??
Well because of a sentence in a Family Guy episode. I tried to find the best video of the clip to show. I know it sucks but it is the best one I could find. But if you watch you will understand!!!
Why you might ask??
There was a running game in my boyfriends house (it was 6 guys living together) the game included naming your girlfriends pussy a boys name. So Guthrie decided to name mine Paul.
So...Why Paul?? What the significance of the name??
Well because of a sentence in a Family Guy episode. I tried to find the best video of the clip to show. I know it sucks but it is the best one I could find. But if you watch you will understand!!!

I love that episode! Hope you and paul are doing well.
Totally random but, me being called Paul, I think that's hilarious haha